Monday, January 31, 2011

One Month Later!

Here it is the end of January and much has happened at The Art Cottage. Although much of my time has been spent driving back and forth from Atlanta to Darien, I've still been able to paint, move furniture, search for stuff...and did I mention clean! And of course, with any old building, there have been glitches along the way. I hesitate to call them problems...that sounds so ominous!

First, the power company thought I should be a commercial account because of the year's past with only commercial ventures located in the building. But after explaining that I do have a complete kitchen and will live there year-round, I got residential status! Two weeks after the water was turned on a mysterious leak appeared. I call it mysterious because the owner, two plumbers and myself fail to find any water actually leaking either inside or outside of the building. All eight thousand gallons seem to have literally disappeared. Now this would seem to be a "problem" to some but on the other hand, it turned out to be a blessing! Owner and plumbers came up with a solution without blasting out my concrete flooring...hooray! I'll have a new water system installed which, I'm told, won't burst if frozen and won't rust. Unlike the pipes of old, the water should run clear thru the new piping!

Now that electricity and water concerns have been taken care of, I can once again return to the task of bleaching and painting!

Pics of my bedroom will be coming soon! Stay tuned!


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